ID : 70188

Best Endometriosis Doctor In Dubai

Price On Call


Condition : New
Location : Fakeeh University Hospital, Dubai

Best Endometriosis doctor in Dubai – Choose Dr. Preeti Tandon for expert care and compassionate solutions. Benefit from endometriosis specialist personalized treatments, advanced techniques, and a proven track record for optimal well-being.

<a href=”“>Best Endometriosis Doctor In Dubai</a>

Endometriosis is a condition where tissue similar to the lining of the uterus, known as endometrium, grows outside the uterus. This tissue responds to hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle, causing inflammation, pain, and the formation of scar tissue. The exact cause of endometriosis remains elusive, but factors such as genetic predisposition, immune system dysfunction, and hormonal imbalances are believed to contribute.

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Fakeeh University Hospital, Dubai
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