ID : 87293

Kaal Sarp Dosh Puja in Ujjain



Location : L1/114, Mahasakti Nagar, 80th Quarter

kaal sarp dosh puja ujjain is a powerful Hindu ritual performed to alleviate the negative effects of Kaal Sarp Dosha, a malefic planetary combination. This dosha is believed to bring hardships in life, including obstacles in career, health, and relationships. The puja is performed at the famous Mahakaleshwar Temple under the guidance of expert priests. Devotees perform specific rites, including mantra chanting, offerings, and prayers to Lord Shiva for the removal of dosha. This puja is considered highly auspicious and helps in attaining peace, prosperity, and spiritual growth for the person facing Kaal Sarp Dosha.

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L1/114, Mahasakti Nagar, 80th Quarter
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