ID : 65934

Dry Cleaning In Kharghar

Price On Call


Location : 408, Kamdhenu Commerz Building, Sector-13, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai - 410210.

WASH N PRESS offers one of the Best Dry-cleaning and Laundry Services in entire of Kharghar. We give our Laundry Services at Kharghar, Nerul and Vashi, are undeniably positioned with profoundly prepared experts to deal with your garments with extreme attention to detail. We are furnished with most progressive a-list European innovation based hardware innovation for Laundry and Dry cleaning to improve and keep up with magnificence of your articles of clothing. Besides, we generally involved extraordinary Ecofriendly German Synthetic substances in consistence with every biological measure and are biodegradable, including those requested by the EPA.

Our projects cover every one of the requirements for proficient material consideration. We are satisfied to offer you a help that is separately customized to your requirements – the best way to guarantee quality material cleaning.

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408, Kamdhenu Commerz Building, Sector-13, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai - 410210.
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